Contact us
Hello dear customer, we are eager to hear from you, please use the form down below and we will be back you to you in 24h. Thank you!
Let's Connect
Str. Vasile Lupu, 5
Tunari, Ilfov 077180
+40773 863 776 - Romania
+442045772873 - UK
SC Feature Squad Shop SRL
C.U.I: 37909175
About Feature Squad
This brand was created to bring effectiveness in your live.
A lean way of living by using our products.
Product Innovation Officer
Customer Success Manager
Sales Manager
We use reusable plastic
We care about out environment and this is why the plastic found in our products is a long term biodegradable and it can be reused 100%.
The carbon fooprint is as low as ~5kg of CO2/kg. One tree offset is ~22kg of CO2 /year.
The plastic is made out of corn, trees and recycle cardboard. By using our products you help the nature and this industry to make a sustainable plastic.